Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Day in the Life of.....

The day in the life of a true blue gramma means spending 2 hours in a high school gym that has a funny guess...sweat from 100 little boys rolling all over the floor..they are called being my 65 lb. grandson Trevor who seems to possess the ability to win. If not by strength then by sheer determination... Today he won two matches and lost one...but, he has a terrific attitude..losing doesn't seem to bother him too much. Once the match is over he packs up his gear, thanks us for coming to see him and off he goes. He's such a cutie. Here's a picture of our Mr. T.


  1. Look at that crazed look in his eyes! Ok, not really crazy, but happy. It would be fun to watch him wrestle. I am sure he is as entertaining as usual. :)

  2. this picture reminds me of robert at this age. definitely has that mello look - quite the handsome guy!

  3. It's easy to be happy when you are winning. But, here's a huge pile of bonus points to him for keeping it up even when he lost one. You are right, he's a cutie. :)

  4. Your grandchildren are blessed to have a grandma who supports their endeavors.
